Eddie's Cels and Sketches
Kino No Tabi (Kino's Journey)

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Kino Drinking Cofee
Source: TV
Layers: 1
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Cel Number: b1tome
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Book Cel
No Background

Added 2/9/2007
This sketch is from Episode 9 of Kino's Journey. Kino travels to a land which contains all the books in the world. When they get there they find out the books that are there, are very few. Because the people who run(critics) judge which books are safe to read. Which isnt many.

At first glance, this sketch seemed like my least favorite of the 3. It seemed kinda boring. But then i watched the episode to find out its the coolest one of the 3!!!

First this comes on screen the very second after the theme song ends.

Second its on screen for about 10 seconds while the character talks. Its a still image. Whats known as a Tome Cel/sketch

If you look under the number on the sketch you can see the tome mark.

Thirdly this sketch also appears again before the ending song, and then it zooms out to show its a picture in a book.


I have included a screenshot of the book, and the full size screenshot of the sketch.

Hooray for Kino's Journey!!!

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Next: Kino and the stranger    

Curator: Eddie3
Gallery Created: 12/15/2005
Hits: 13462

Presentation 8.79/10   Collection 8.88/10   Overall 8.78/10   Votes 24 votes
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